Huumor ja skisofreenia

Näib, et on palju artikleid, mis käsitlevad seda, et skisofreeniahaiged tajuvad huumorit halvemini kui terved inimesed.

Konkreetne artikkel siin räägib sellest, kuidas seda testiti – võrreldes huumori taju teiste gruppidega – et testida, ega mõju ei ole kaudne, tervishoiusüsteemist või abisaamisest tingitud, selleks võeti kontrollgrupiks ka teised "haiged", kes ei olnud skisofreenikud. Minule aga seostus see kohe Critchley'ga, kes rääkis, et huumor saab võimalikuks tänu sellele, et me näeme ennast läbi enesepeegelduse: me ole see, kes me ARVAME, et me oleme.

Skisofreenikute halba huumoritaju uurides viitasid artikli autorid sellele, et huumor võib olla nn advanced tajumise vorm, skisofreenikutel halvem. Kas võib see tuleneda sellest, et me peame huumori tajumiseks lisaks enese tajumisele vaatama end omakorda distantsilt – võiks isegi öelda, et huumori kaudu me vaatame, milline oleks kolmanda vaatleja ettekujutus sellest, milline ettekujutus meil endil endist on. Keeruliseks läheb, aga mõte on sees. Veel osutus minu jaoks oluliseks leiuks see, et huumori tajumine oli vähenenud skisofreenikutel, aga ei olnud vähenenud depressiooni all kannatajatel. See toetab ka Critchley seisukohta, et nii depressioon kui huumor on ühtviisi enese nägemine distantsilt, ainult erinevalt lahti mõtestatud: üks näeb väga kurba, teine naljakat pilti.


A few evolutionary theorists have explored the potential raison d’être of humour and laughter (Polimeni and Reiss, 2006b; Vaid, 1999; Weisfeld, 2006). Most of these evolutionary hypotheses concentrate on humour’s general ability to enhance social cooperation (Polimeni and Reiss, 2006b; Jung, 2003).

To our knowledge, this is the first study to utilize psychiatric patients (without schizophrenia) as a comparison group.

In patients with schizophrenia, deficits in humour appreciation have been consistently demonstrated (Bozikas et al., 2007a; Corcoran et al., 1997; Polimeni and Reiss, 2006a; Tsoi et al., 2008).

As our grasp of humour improves, both at the psychological and brain level, so perhaps can our understanding of schizophrenia.

Nende uuringus: The instructions also emphasized that participants were not to judge whether they found the comic amusing, but whether the comic was in its original form and intended to be funny.

As predicted, the schizophrenia group showed significant and substantial deficits in humour recognition compared to the healthy group, t(38) = 5.1, P < 0.001, ES = 1.55. Equally important, was that the schizophrenia group’s humour recognition performance was also poorer than that of the psychiatric control group, t(38) = 3.6, P = 0.001. The psychiatric control group’s humour scores did not differ from the healthy control group, t(38) = 1.2, P = 0.23.

Better humour recognition in schizophrenia correlated with less severe clinical symptomolgy (PANSS total score), r = .57, P = 0.008, and was unrelated to depressive symptoms.

Among the schizophrenia group, humour recognition correlated positively with general intellectual functioning (NART) r = .45, P = 0.04, social reasoning (WAIS-III Comprehension) r = .54, P = 0.01 and executive functioning (WCST-CC) r = .69, P = 0.001. Among patients with schizophrenia, humour recognition did not correlate with basic processing speed (TMT A) r = .24, P = 0.3; working memory (WAIS-III Digit Symbol-Coding) r = .14, P = 0.6; inhibitory ability (TMT B) r = .13, P = 0.6; inhibitory control (Stroop) r = .16, P = 0.5; verbal memory (CVLT-II) r = .24, P = 0.3; flexibility in abstract thought (WCST-PE) r = .08, P = 0.8, speed of verbal processing (category fluency), r = .08, P = 0.7, or verbal fluency (COWAT) r = .16, P = 0.5.

Our results, in addition to Tsoi et al.’s findings, support an association between social functioning and humour recognition.

Fourth, our humour task does not directly take into account the affective component of humour (nad ei mõõtnud, kas inimene samal ajal ka naerab või mitte, ainult arvutasid testi vastuseid).

Polimeni JO et al. Diminished humour perception in schizophrenia: Relationship to social and cognitive functioning.
Journal of Psychiatric Research (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2009.10.003

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