Aja hindamisest

Probleem, mis on tuttav igale tarkvaraarendajale 🙂 Sellest, miks projektid juba algfaasis liiga lühikese aja peale planeeritakse. Ma lisaks siia: lihtsalt väsid ära, ei jõua kogu aega kütta sellise energiaga, mis projekti alguses. Minu puhul on väga oluline ka see bold osa siin all:

Usually, people vastly underestimate the time required for tasks. The reasons for this vary.

  • The people carrying out the work may not be familiar with the task and thus have little basis on which to judge accurately how long something might take.
  • Even experienced people can forget to take into account unexpected events, the fact that things can go wrong and may need to be re-done, or that other work may take priority over the task in hand.
  • People often fail to take account of the complexity of project work, particularly where several people are trying to work together.

Üks asi, mida veel arvesse tuleb võtta, et:
a) mingi osa tööst tuleb uuesti teha
b) kommunikatsioonihäire, viibimine vmt mille taha töö takerdub

Ja loomulikult efektiivse töö aeg, mis minul on juba kaua aega teada olnud, et 8 tundi järjest see pikema perioodi jooksul olla ei saa:

As a rule of thumb, individuals effectively work about 60% of the time, they allocate to a task or project, so for an eight hour day one can normally plan on just under five hours of productive work. (If this sounds low, the rest of the time is consumed in often necessary interruptions, the time taken to stop thinking about one task and switch to working on another, and so on.) So if a task requires 16 hours, one needs to assume that the elapsed time it will take will need to be lengthened by about 40% to take into account the times when work is not effective.

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